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2022 Tech Work Report 


Over Q2 and Q3 of 2022, one of the most overused-adjectives of the pandemic era has returned. How are tech leaders and entrepreneurs responding to the current challenges in maintaining a healthy workforce and securing increasingly scarce funding.


What’s Inside? 

1. Part I: "The traditional recruitment model is broken" 
Part II: The workforce of the future is "blended"
Part III: Down turn strategy and concerns 
Part IV: What's ahead  

A Study by A.Team and MassChallenge: Why & How 

While valuations and fundraising fall as economic uncertainty spreads, the talent market remains incredibly tight. Workers are quitting and planning to quit in record numbers. That’s caused tech founders and executives to adapt to new financial realities while still finding ways to hire the talent they need to not just survive, but thrive.

To better understand how tech leaders are adapting at this crucial moment, A.Team and MassChallenge partnered on our inaugural Tech Work Report, surveying 581 tech founders and executives (C-Suite or department leaders) based in the United States. Respondents were all surveyed in July 2022 through the MassChallenge network of founders, experts, and partners.

Download the 2022 Tech Work Report.