MassChallenge FinTech's biggest celebration of the year is going virtual!
In light of COVID-19, now more than ever we recognize the importance of our fintech community and all that we can accomplish together. Please join us in celebrating the achievements of our 34 fintech startups and 21 corporate partners as our 2020 program comes to a close.
*We will be using Hopin to create a fully immersive virtual event experience.
3:30 PM | Opening Remarks and 2020 Program Results
Siobhan Dullea, CEO, MassChallenge
Devon Sherman, Managing Director, MassChallenge FinTech
3:45 PM | Keynote Address
Henry Helgeson, Founder, Cayan
4:00 PM | Live Showcase with all MCFT20 Startups
| Live Innovation Lightning Talks with MCFT20 Partners
4:45 PM | Open Networking
5:00 PM | Thank You and Close
Our 2020 Cohort:
Abaka - addapptation - Alkymi - Automation Hero - Benekiva - Boss Insights - Bridge Financial Technology - Cinchy - Cognicor - Databento - Fenris Digital - Fligoo - Genivity - Hydrogen - Inkit - InterGen Data - LendingFront - Mark Labs - Overbond - Payitoff - Pixm - Private Wealth Systems - Safekeep - Semantic Evolution - SilverBills - Sorcero - SortSpoke - Stratyfy - Summer - TelosTouch - Till Financial - Trust & Will - Woveon - Zogo
Read more about the 2020 cohort here.
Questions? Contact us at